Editor note: The same people who sold us out on NAIS want Issue #2.  Could there be a serious connection?  We don’t trust them because of NAIS and now the confidence level is very very low.  RH

The Greediest Corporate Agribusiness Move We’ve Ever Seen!
Help us defeat Issue 2 and the corporate takeover in Ohio

October 1, 2009

We need your help to stop factory farms from being written into the Ohio constitution.

Ohio could become the first state to have corporate agribusiness acting as judge, jury and executioner for all animal agriculture rules and regulations.  Who do you think their rules will favor?  Safe, local, sustainable agriculture, or the more than 200 factory farms already in the state?  We’re hoping not to find out.  That’s why Food & Water Watch is working on behalf of our 5,000 Ohio supporters to Oppose Issue 2.  Can you help us defeat Issue 2 in Ohio?

In the most ambitious power grab we’ve ever seen, corporate agribusiness proponents are trying to write themselves into the Ohio constitution.  Technically the product of the Ohio General Assembly, the ballot issue is heavily backed by groups representing major agribusiness interests, including the Ohio Farm Bureau, the Ohio Pork Producers Council, and the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association. While masquerading as an attempt to improve food safety and animal welfare, Issue 2 would give a board of political appointees unchecked power to decide any and all regulations related to animal agriculture. The board could make decisions that would radically shift policy in any direction and would not require any public input process. This could include decisions on issues like the use of antibiotics and growth hormones, genetically engineered animals, cloned animals, animal ID and traceability, and factory farm zoning reguations.

The proponents of Issue 2 literally will be the foxes guarding the henhouse if Issue 2 passes, and they’re running a multi-million dollar campaign to make sure this happens.  Worse yet, their slick campaign tries to trick voters into thinking that Issue 2 will support safe, local food from small farmers.  We need you to help us get the truth out about Issue 2 and stop this greedy power grab in the Ohio Constitution.  Help us spread the word about Issue 2 and Vote NO on November 3rd!

Thanks for taking action,

Sarah Alexander, Senior Organizer
Food & Water Watch

Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.

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